
Friday, December 30, 2011

More about me...

I am Pam. I am a Christian, wife and mom. My husband, Kevin, and I were married in 1990. Eighteen years ago I was on the fast track toward career success finishing up my Master's degree and teaching school when a funny thing happened to me...motherhood. When this little girl(Katy) was placed in my arms I knew there was no greater calling in my life than making sure she knew Jesus. I realized quickly that my life would have to change to give this endeavor 100% of my efforts. After trying diligently to juggle my career and motherhood I decided something had to give in the Brown house. To my husband's dismay I confessed that I could not be the mom I needed to be and teach school full time. It took almost no time for Kevin to see that my being at home was an amazing blessing that money could not replace. Another girl came along in 1998 (Kandace). In 1999 I decided to spring another crazy idea on my husband...homeschooling! Well, again after much prayer and thought he agreed. That began another AMAZING and wonderful journey for our family. The sacrifices have been there but the benefits have been ten-fold. Some days I wanted to get dressed up, put on some make-up and leave the kids somewhere else but I knew my calling and I stayed the course (some days were/are hard like doing anything worthwhile). Kevin and I wanted more children so in 2000 we were expecting again. When I lost the baby at 3 months we were heart-broken. I had some health issues that were going to make it difficult to have anymore children so I felt like that was God's answer to that more kids.

As the next few years passed I kept hearing and reading about adoption. Articles and radio programs seemed to follow me everywhere. In 2004 I threw out another crazy idea to Kevin (he was used to them by now and so were our parents), adoption, international adoption to be more specific. My oldest daughter had been having dreams about this and she didn't even know that I was pitching this idea to Kevin at the same time. We prayed about this for 6 months before acting on it. During this process Kevin left his job as a business man to become a pastor. He took a massive pay cut during the adoption process but God is good and with the help of family and friends we were able to adopt Clara in 2006 and Andrew in 2008. Those two have brought untold blessings to our family in ways we would have never imagined.

We are still on the journey growing and learning each day! What an adventure it is! In this blog I hope to share some of the many things that have happened along this journey we call "life" in our home.


  1. Love, it Pam! Thanks for posting. I'll look forward to reading more posts in the near future! Happy New Year!

  2. Pam,
    So glad to see you blogging and I can't wait to keep up with your stories and experiences! I've watched you from a teen grow in your Christian faith and how proud I am to see your growth and dedication! Love you all! Kendra

  3. Thank you for sharing your heart and pathway with others Pam. I got not only a blessing, but a "special message from God" during my reading of your blog. Sometimes we just have to do what God places on our heart "even if we are afraid". I believe he will bless our faith with full reward. Love, Linda Shore
